T Shirt Bags
- Stock or custom print
- Sizes from Extra Small to Extra Large
- Strength from light to heavy
- Various stock designs available
Produce Roll Bags
- 15″ and 20″ Lengths
- Light or Heavy material
- Easy open material
Heat Sealed Mesh Bags
- 11″ to 35″ length
- Variety of colors
- Pack any type of produce and enhance color while maintaining maximum ventilation
- These bags can be used for any application eg clambakes, deer antler for pets, toys, etc.
Mesh Header Bags
- Ideal for pre-packaging vegetables for less shrinkage as well as enhancing product color with maximum ventilation
- This product has been highly successful for small and large packers
- Many header options available: size, paper type, coated or laminated, stock of custom designs
- Use this bag to complement your marketing strategies – add logos, recipes, coupons etc
Pint / Quart Containers
- Pulp, wood, Plastic Clamshells
- Use for: Berries, tomatoes, small potatoes, peaches, etc.
- Master trays available – 12 pints/8 quart
Pick Your Own Trays
- Berries
- Beans
- Peas
- 4 quart and 6 quart available with wire handles
- 8 quart with fingerholes